
Ceremony: Call for ideas

I will tell you something about stories,
[he said]
They aren't just for entertainment.
Don't be fooled
They are all we have, you see,
all we have to fight off illness and death.
You don't have anything
if you don't have the stories.
Their evil is mighty
but it can't stand up to our stories.
So they try to destroy the stories
let the stories be confused or forgotten
They would like that
They would be happy
Because we would be defenseless then.
[Leslie Marmon Silko “Ceremony” 1]

To my mother, it is an Earthquake.

To me, this is an nuclear disaster.

I came to believe that as much as I believe that I can decide who offends me, or when I can get a productive panic, or greed, or sorrow, that are truly intimate to me, I respect that my mother can do too.

She is not a helpless victim.

Saving Japan narrative drops off so many.

So many of who have been outside of the stories,

The stories of governments and corporations.

Don’t kill me.

Don’t make us revive from your crisis like puppets.

I will write and go insane sometimes,

and I don’t want anybody else to decide it.

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I am trying to shoot videos or collect infos that introduce coping strategies for anybody who is affected in this whole thing, whether it is loneliness, nuclear, breaking up, earthquakes, or just the lack of their favorite TV shows.

Survivors in Japan and other parts are having hard time with their physical

reality as well as their emotional reality.

They have to be constantly on radio or on the Internet, looking for info about

the next earthquake or the radiation.

Media does not broadcast anything else at all.

Also, radiation shuts people up inside of their houses.

All the international support is being sent to Japan (nobody talks about Earthquake in China last week, for example),

and how resilient Japanese people are.

I believe that this Japanesness narrative may be a coping method for many,

but leaving non-Japanese, tourists, homeless people, many with(out???) birth certificates,

lower castes, people with disability who are outside of this already established "Japanese" narrative.

People whose loved ones in Japan, who are not Japanese, or people from other places across the ocean such as Philippines, Hawaii, Guam, Taiwan, Shanghai, Korea, China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Chile.. (Santa Cruz too) are affected by this, and at immediate risk of radiation.

What I am trying to do is not to panic people by dropping useful information, but to create communities to believe the power within, rather than forcing people to internalize

the united victimized narrative....because nobody is just a number.

I am collecting methods that someone can do even if they:

- are not Japanese.

- don't live in Japan or the places that are affected right now.

- don't have a home.

- can't go out because of the radiation.

- don't have very much space inside of wherever they are.

- don't have any friends.

- have no personal space at the place of evacuation.

- are LGBTQ folk.

- have a disability.

- do not speak Japanese.

- may not be interested in money, but rather, well-being of one’s day-to-day life.

- are tired of watching terrible warnings and news all day and needs support.


I made my first segment with my fun loving housemates, specifically thinking about

my mother in Japan, my friends in New York and Canada who are overwhelmed by helplessness or nationalistic narratives, and for myself.

With my blog, I want you to join me to make segments.

Each segment is ideally 3-5 minutes, bilingual, and can do without much

preparation or ability.

- breathing methods

- monkey dances (in a very small space)

- making funny faces and jokes

- self-massage

- making up songs

- hand clapping

- comic with bubbles, so people can easily print out even they have to go to work today.

and so many others on my list that I want to do for myself and share with others.

If you have any ideas, let me know directly.

If you hesitate or think "Oh, I have no personal context with Japan, I cannot make a mournful face", don't worry. People see too many mourning faces all the

time on Valencia street, San Francisco, CA, for example.

Not only earthquakes and nuclear disaster, but everything is so painful, and can be fun.



Apple Eating!: For those who aren't "there" & anybody who's sick of the earthquake/nuclear stuff. (translated)



**March 13, 2011/ English translation, March 14th (writings get aged so often, what the fuck?)

*I suggest that you watch my favorite YouTube video rather than reading my stuff or watching my video because I understand it is too long, whiny, and may trigger you.

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar6fz4H8Whw )

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My loved ones in Japan are affected by the earthquakes, and by the following nuclear meltdown.

Far away from Japan, here in Oakland California, I am exposed to different sets of information than folks in Japan are. My personal concern at this point is not about the earthquakes, but rather the on-going nuclear pollution.

I read "Japanese are doing great and inherently disciplined to Gaman (coping/ persevering /enduring)" in many media, everyday. This excludes so many people in Japan who are not “Japanese” or are in difficult socio-economic situations, and cannot gaman, yet this suppresses people’s ability to articulate “I can’t take it anymore”. It is very similar to how the media portrayed 9/11 during and after the time of crisis, emphasizing how "resilient" New Yorkers were, putting all energy toward "staying strong", which silenced many voices underneath.

I am suffering by the fact that I am not "there". If I tell my worries or flood them with information, it exhausts my loved ones, or they have to laugh me off by saying "It's okay. Don't worry too much because you aren't here!"

Everybody asks me if "my friends and families are alright?". Even if I can affirm this question because my biological or legitimate family and friends are alright, it excludes so many other people who are part of my social context, so it hurts to say the word "family" or "safe". There are people who are not legitimately acknowledged by Japanese or other governments. The feelings of how I existed there are part of my muscle-memory. This whole thing cannot be explained by the number of casualty, victims, existence as organisms, or the scenery of torn-down buildings.

Media portrays and legitimizes the area around Fukushima Nuclear Power Reactor as ground zero, the only place of devastation. Affected by the media portrayal, many people in Tokyo or south west seem to operate as if they are not in devastation. Consequently, I drove myself attempting to "stay strong" and "resilient". I was trapped as if I were not worthy of suffering or traumatized at this moment besides my nationality, or whether my families are safe.

But if I accepted the thought, then I would see no horizon in it. Everything would be blurred from my sights like a thick fog because I lose my actual or potential friends and allies that I adore, am fond of, and care for... people without citizenship, street people without houses or traveling, Zainichi folks, unemployed, hikikomori, suicidals, sex workers, people who attempted to kill themselves, co-workers whom I smoked with on the way back home, a guy who hit on me on Tokyu Denentoshi-line (and ended up giving me his cute old dog, he called himself "Chiquita, just like a Banana'), immigrants, non-heterosexuals, trans, people from the church, music, trees, the ocean, fish, rice........

I cannot be "resilient", and I cannot "stay strong” at this moment.

I am in so much pain and so exhausted, as if I were "there" at the very place. My body that lived a life "there" feels the flux of the place, changing its dimension and forms at every second. My body feels like it is floating. I cannot move, sleep, too much thinking or stopped thinking....I realize that I suppress myself only to either fake smile or cry. I lay in my bed but I cannot feel sleepy. When I wake up, my body accumulates all the tears that I could not cry. I feel very heated, physically and literally. I feel as if my body is synchronizing with the nuclear reactor "there".

I made a decision to claim the very fact that I cannot be "resilient" or "stay strong" as a legitimate casualty. I made a decision that if one is in pain in their own survival, or if one has any pain, I would resist ranking who is more "worthy" to claim or own the pain. This is maybe a long-term trauma, or maybe-perhaps-probably just an overreaction. I honestly do not know what to think.

However, I want to take back my own body and soul that acquired this on-going pain. This pain cannot be categorized in a word like "ground zero".

For now, I made a YouTube video. This is not necessarily for everybody. I am sending this to my mother who is shaken in the extreme flood of information, and is exhausted from overexposure to the things that she is not used to nor wishes to see. I send this video to my friends who are studying abroad, and a specific friend who hasn't been out of his messy house (not really due to the earthquake) for decades. On top of all, I made this for myself. This was the only thing that I could do today.

My beloved housemates and a guest who happened to be there are involved in the production. The one behind the green hat is Miriam, my best friend, who used to work in Japan. Miriam said "I don't know what to do. I think I cannot contribute very much because I don't know enough." Of course I shut her up because I believe that Miriam is also experiencing the incidents, as a person who takes care of me when I am in crisis.

I told everybody "Don't make sad or sincere faces, people everywhere saw enough of it. They didn’t even broadcast the usual aerobics on TV from March 12". I ate too much apple from our rehearsal. And believe me, I was really eating and biting apples to cope with this terrible depression. It was a great apple diet.

I intended to emancipate myself from forcing myself to mourn or smile. I want to feel that I am alive now. Depending on your situation, you might say "What the heck, damn you, privileged Californians! You don't know what real pain is!" I cannot blame you because I cannot know your pain.

I am looking for some other coping methods too!

Please please let me know if you have any idea, or just if you want to make your YouTube debut.


被災地に居ない、友達もいない、部屋も汚い、とにかく疲れてる: When I am not "there", but "here",
















簡単に出来るストレス解消法:りんご丸かじり:Apple eating as a coping strategy






(text: Umi edit: Miriam Bird Greenberg)

(video: Miriam, Patrick, Saul, Silver, and Umi)